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What is here for YOU.


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Hello Friends

I've wanted to share this picture with all of you for some time and so last night I asked dear Alexandra if she'd upload it, which she kindly did. Thankyou sweetheart.

I've sent it in the past to friends by mail because I think it's very comforting. I think it perfectly sums up the spirit of this place. So have a look:

<img src="http://site.voila.fr/rayon_de_soleil/website/Callisto.jpg">

It is by Rubens and depicts the nymph Callisto, who has just been raped by Zeus. (Anyone with a knowledge of Greek legend will know that Zeus was a prodigious rapist, the bastard). Callisto was one of Artemis's nymphs.

What I love about it is the perfectly captured expressions of tenderness and concern on the faces of Callisto's sisters. And, as one sister pointed out, the pain on hers...

One interesting point is that Callisto had been Zeus's lover. But from her sisters, there are no questions, no blame. What she gets is acceptance, validation, comfort, support and love.

So, my sisters, I want to tell you that what you see in that picture is what you deserve. When you've been hurt, hold this image in your heart. A band of us would gladly gather around you, stretching out our arms; draping something around your shoulders.

It doesn't matter who it was.

It doesn't matter if you never met him before.

It doesn't matter if you loved him.

It doesn't matter if it wasn't a him.

It doesn't matter if you are not a "she"-use that picture symbolically.

It doesn't matter if it was minutes, months, years or decades ago.

It doesn't matter if you were, like Callisto, beautiful and sexy.

It doesn't matter if it was once.

It doesn't matter if it was many times.

Your pain and your need for tender support is what matters.

What you see in that picture is what exists for you here. I know this from experience, and having said that I'll take this opportunity to thank my sisters & brothers, because quite a few times now, it has been me in the role of "Callisto".

Anyhow, I hope you like it.


Lou xxxxxxxxx

PS. I love that picture too, 'cause those ladies are built like me and that was then the height of beauty ;)

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(((((((sweet sweet lou)))))))


thank you.  all the love and validation you expressed here, is what i feel in turn for you and every other spectacular soul of this family.  

(but ####, if you have to find my tears?! ;) )

((((gentle loving safe hugs)))) for you lou, and for everyone!



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I've loved that picture for a long time.  It is very representative of what I've found here.  Thank you again for making it available, and thanks to Alexandra too, for helping you.



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((((((Darling Wonderful Lou))))))

You never cease to amaze me or inspire me.  I am so very proud to have you walking beside me in my healing journey.

*wipes away the tears before the next set of clients come in*

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(((((Lou))))) you are a true goddess!! i know all about greek mythology and that bastard zeus.  but that picture...you're so right.  it does sum up everything about this board!!!

thanks for sharing it and tahnks to Alex for putting it on her site!


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Thanks to the ((((((Kilted One)))))) for making it immediately visible.


Lou xxxx

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this just made me cry, thank you so much for sharing this it is so beautiful.

wow i really feel a part of everything now..

thank you

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ok lou, when I'm done crying, I'm sure I'll be able to appreciate the immensity of it all.  :)


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I already knew I was very bad as soon as it was coming to art but this is really confirmed ! I looked at the picture quickly when you sent it to me and I just saw a painting. When I read your explanation of it, I look at it in a totally different way. How did you see all these things inside of it ? :shocked: Lol. Ok, I'm really bad at art. Thank you for providing the explanation of it ;)

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Alex, sometimes we see what we need to see.  I LOVE art, so I saw what Lou did.  But other pieces?  take for example..i went to Washington DCs art museum and there was a picture of the baby christ and mary.  my friend was awed by it.  the baby was reaching out to his mother..what did i say?  "Got milk?"  so beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  sometimes we "get it" other times ::shrug::

i tend to look TOO deeply into things if its any consolation :)


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Thanks Louise. I was going to say something about do we all really have to be naked - but then I guess it could be a metaphor for being totally open and honest with each other, rather than literal nudity. I mean, not that I'm opposed to being naked but I am a bit shy...


(Edited by Elle at 3:23 pm on Mar. 18, 2002)

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(((elle)))) you said what i was thinking :)

as much as i love my pandy's family, no way am i showing my fat naked butt off! LOL!!!!!!

but like lou said, big is beautiful!!!!!! (to paraphrase)

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Oh, yep Elle...I thought of that after..lol...naturally w'd all have clothes on. But yes, I think the metaphor of openness is a lovely one.

((((Alex))))) darling I wouldn't have had a clue what the picture meant if I didn't have a book....


Lou xxxxx

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The picture is beautiful and definitely symbolizes what I feel here. Your words though are even more beautiful.

Cheers to Lou for always having a way with words! You say things like no one else does.

Love you,


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Guest Little Sunshine


I received this once from you when I was hurting so much. I never stop looking at it, as it brings some comfort to my soul.

Thanks for being so wonderful. I love you.

Little Sunshine

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(((elle))) i guess you spoke what many of us were thinking.  to be honest, when i first saw the photo, my first response was fear.  exposure, vulnerability.  then i went back seconds later after reading lou's entire post.

it's all different when you are surrounded by safety and understanding.  ....but i'm still wearing my clothes! ;)

and btw, i was wondering if lou was allowed to make so many of us cry like that????;)  however, i suppose she was ALLOWING us to shed the good tears that we so seldom feel. (((sweet lou)))

besides....she has 5 friggin kids!  she's allowed to do about anything!

(((hugs to all)))



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Just...thank you...that's all I can say right now...

I have neither words nor the talent of painting to express what I'd like to say...so again...thank you so much...


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